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Summer Scale-Back | A Message From Avril

Hey, friends!

This post is going to be a tad different from the usual. I'm just popping in with a little update.

Let me assure you there's nothing to worry about. I don't want to spur any undue anxiety with the words, "We need to talk." Been there, done that far too many times.

As the summer draws near, I'm looking ahead and starting to figure out my plans for the blog as well as other ongoing creative endeavors and life in general.

Throughout the first half of this year, I was primarily focused on the blog. It was a nice way to ease myself back into writing after feeling burned out from my first-ever NaNoWriMo experience the November prior, plus I like to stay ahead on posts when possible in case something happens and life finds a way to get in the way. They're also easier to work on in smaller chunks of time, like on my lunch break at work. However, this focus quickly turned into fixation, and it wasn't long until posts for the blog were the only writing I was doing.

This was also around the time I was prepping the launch listings for my Etsy shop, Plot Bunny Hollow. It's been a fun process through which I've picked up some new skills, but it's also pretty involved on my side of the screen. More so than I anticipated when I embarked on this new creative venture.

Additionally, there's life in general to juggle. Lingering medical stuff. Starting at a new job with extended hours during the summer months. Other obligations.

My fiction sort of fell to the wayside, for several reasons. Going into 2024, I was hoping to finish the first draft of A Tided Love, the WIP I started during NaNoWriMo last November, by the end of the summer. But as I was coming back to the project after the holiday season, my feelings towards it had changed some. I got some insightful feedback from my writing group that helped me reshape the story, something that's sent me down the path of reworking it from the ground up. A total rewrite that isn't exactly starting over, but has me feeling like I've taken two steps back for every one step forward.

That's why I've decided to scale things on the blog back for the summer.

What does that mean?

In short, it's a partial hiatus. A couple of years ago, I took the entire summer off to recharge after a rough patch, but I'm actually in a decent enough spot at the time of writing. But I'm also recognizing the first pesky tendrils of burnout creeping up so I'm reducing my self-imposed workload for just a mite bit in order to tame those flames while rekindling other projects that have been neglected for too long.

From June until August, I'll be uploading a new post every other week—though I may pop in with a quick bonus post if a pressing matter comes up between "on" weeks. We'll be back to regularly scheduled uploads by September!

In the meanwhile, I'm prioritizing making progress on A Tided Love's rewrite and developing new and exciting listings for Plot Bunny Hollow.

I won't be entirely absent from social media this time around. You just may see a little less of me, is all.

That said, I have some fun blog posts planned for the summer and heading into the autumn months, and I'll be even more ready to tackle them after this little break.

In the meantime, be sure to follow me on Instagram and Threads so you'll know when I next post about writing, life, and whatever else comes to mind!



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