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Avril  Marie Aalund

As my first-grade teacher would tell you, I've always been a writer. However, it was not until my early teens that I knew I wanted to pursue a career in writing.

My first attempt at writing a novel began during my freshman year of high school, written by hand on looseleaf paper in a binder that I was hardly seen without and would eventually only be held together by multiple layers of duct tape.

I'd been a historical fiction reader going as far back as The Magic Treehouse and Dear America, but my interest in romance didn't pique until adolescence. In my earliest drafts, I experimented with a historical setting that I left ambiguous. "Sometime Before Electricity" seemed good enough for the moment.

That was until my high school AP English class started a unit on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice that I fell in love with the Regency Era (1811-1820).

In the years since, I have written several first drafts and countless second-and-so-on drafts as I slowly venture towards eventually publishing my books. Even though that is still in the distant future, I invite you to be part of my writing journey through my blog posts about writing, life, and whatever else comes to mind. 

I graduated from the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts in 2018 where I earned my Bachelor's degree in English/Communications with a concentration in Creative Writing. When I'm not working on any of my writing projects, you will likely find me doting on my cat, Willoughby, playing video games, experimenting with makeup and nail art, or having fun at my job as an escape room game master.

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