It's time once again for the quarterly character profile featuring the cast of my historical romance novel Bound to the Heart. Set in Regency Era London, the story follows a bookseller-turned-sibling-chaperone and a hopeless romantic with a grieving heart (and an overbearing mother).
The first posts in this series highlighted my protagonists, Eve and Zach. Today, it's time to talk about one of my favorite secondary characters in this WIP: Zach's brother, Henry.

Henry Thayer
At eighteen years of age and having at last finished his studies at Eton, Henry Thayer stands at the precipice of adulthood.
With his sister Sophia set to spend a Season in London, Henry sees it as a perfect opportunity to reunite with his favorite brother in the city after years apart. However, Zach's duties as Sophia's appointed chaperone and his responsibilities to his bookshop put a damper on Herny's hopes of embracing everything the city has to offer a man of the ton.
Henry's side of the story as something like a coming-of-age narrative.
Zach still sees him as his kid brother and occasionally struggles with trusting him as the young adult he is. Henry can be a little cocksure and puts his trust in the wrong people despite frequently cautioning from Zach—a lesson that leaves bruises in more ways than one. He's driven by fading twinges of adolescence and a hunger for independence as a young adult unsure what to make of this new stage of life.
Fun Facts About Henry
Henry has most of my favorite bits of dialogue throughout Bound to the Heart. I've often referred to him as my Smartass Sidekick (but it's out of love, I assure you).
When Henry ends up drunk for the first time, he mumbles "thank" to Zach because he's not sober enough to say a full "thank you." This is a tiny reference to the Five Nights at Freddy's fan-made game Dayshift at Freddy's, and it's something you'll hear me say in conversation—though sober more often than not.
Henry tends to know more about things than he lets on, especially when it comes to Zach's relationship with Eve. Unlike Fenton, Henry is more apt to keep his knowledge to himself rather than voice his observations.
Henry is the youngest Thayer brother and the only one with curly hair.
When you're writing a romance that features multiple siblings who just so happen to be eligible bachelors and bachelorettes, there's often the question as to whether or not you'll expand on the family's adventures and put each remaining single sibling in the spotlight for their own book. The truth is that while I do have a vague plan for Henry that's hinted at in the epilogue of Bound to the Heart, I expect it will be some time before I embark on Henry's story.
Henry may be a secondary character, but he can be a scene-stealer with his wit and sarcasm. I can't help but smirk anytime I come across another of his snarky remarks. He's a dearly beloved character of mine and I sincerely hope future readers will find him as entertaining.
Expect to see more character profiles from Bound to the Heart throughout the year.
A different character will be featured next quarter, so stay tuned!

As promised, here is the Sims 4 CC used in the creation of Henry's Sim: