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Calling All Detectives!

Dear readers,

This special midweek post is one of particular interest: an invitation to a night of intrigue and fun.

Thames River Community Service/Thames River Family Program will be hosting its first-ever Murder Mystery Dinner on November 30, 2019!

Why do I bring this up?

This event is based on a storyline created by yours truly and will be the first time anything I have written will be presented to the general public (outside of a classroom environment, and that one Hunger Games fanfic I wrote many moons ago and put on some fanfic website I can’t recall).

So that is as cool as it is daunting.

But, more importantly, this is a fundraiser for a local nonprofit organization.

As stated on their website, Thames River Family Program, “provides safe housing and support services for families experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, substance abuse or mental illness.  The agency promotes family wellness, self-sufficiency and housing stability.”

The program is geared towards offering assistance for parenting youth (young adults ages 18-24), including working towards stable housing, GED programs, and childcare.

Residents of the program have often been in the foster care system themselves and have experienced homelessness and unstable housing situations.

TRFP is a program I have been involved with for many years and have seen so much of the good work they do.

That’s why I am so excited to be a part of this fundraiser.

If you’re unfamiliar with Murder Mystery Dinner events, it’s set up like a live-action game of Clue where attendees are tasked with solving a murder by interacting with suspects and gathering clues.

I won’t give away too much about the storyline at this moment, but know that it is centered around a homecoming theme with plenty of possible suspects fueled by jealousy and out for revenge and, even more importantly, that there is a phenomenal cast working to bring these characters to life.

I’ll be sharing a reflection piece looking back at the behind-the-scenes sometime after the big night, breaking down everything that went into planning the event from the storytelling perspective.

If you live in the Connecticut region, we would love to see you there!


Tickets for the Murder Mystery Dinner are on sale via Eventbrite here!

For more information on Thames River Community Service, you can visit their website through this link.



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